How to Find the Right Academic Paper Editor or Proofreader
I’m in need of someone to edit my work. Your research report is complete. The information you’ve collected was examined, your method has been laid out and your argument has been laid out as well as any potential objections have been dealt with. This is where the problem that authors are most resent the most: editing for academic purposes.
The choice of an academic editor and proofreader can be a difficult job. This requires you to locate one who can to fix stylistic and grammatical mistakes in your work. The person you choose should know enough about academic writing editing, and be able to follow the conventions and guidelines.
Then, how do you choose the best professional editor for your academic or proofreading needs you?
What’s the difference in Academic Paper Editing and Academic Proofreading Services?
It is commonplace for people to mistakenly associate academic paper editing with academic proofreading because they all involve correction of text. But, they’re completely distinct. An academic editor is a must for when you’re ready to polish your writing. But, an academic proofreading service is ideal once you’re certain that the writing you’ve written is great form.
If you are looking to choose an academic proofreader or editor, it’s helpful to recognize what the distinction is between them.
In the aid of academic editors editors search at issues that lie at the root of writing. They examine the manner in which sentences are written, and also the flow and general clarity of the writing. They also look for clarity, readability, and tone along with spelling and grammar. If you’ve got a draft that is in need of significant revisions, which is generally just beginning the writing process, hiring editing is the ideal choice.
With the help of academic proofreading services, A proofreader will look at spelling mistakes and punctuation mistakes, as well as inconsistent text. Most often, you’ll require proofreaders after your editor has already read your writing and you require a final check of punctuation and grammar mistakes prior to submitting your work.
The majority of documents need editing and proofreading, and in the same sequence. Editing can assist you to enhance your draft while a proofreader may assist you in completing your final document.
How Do I Edit or Proofread My Own Academic Paper?
To modify your academic papers, it could assist in changing your viewpoint in order to revise your work by sections, read the paper several times or to create the reverse outline. We cover these techniques in our blog to help you make changes to your work in a way that is objective.
The toughest part of having your own personal academic editor and proofreader is recognizing that everything you write could be cut out. A lot of researchers take several months (if not decades) finishing their work.
It’s a bit depressing when you look at an idea that has taken a long time to create and build only to realize that in the end it doesn’t provide any evidence to support the thesis you’ve chosen to present. If you’re looking to try the process of proofreading your paper but aren’t sure how there are a variety of ways to go about it.
Try Switching Up Your Perspective
If you’ve been reading lengthy enough, you’re in a position to evaluate the text objectively. It’s possible that you won’t be in a position to discern the difference between what’s lacking, or your eyes may be distracted by glaring mistakes.
If you are in this situation, consider shifting your view.
Print off your research paper and place it with your hands, instead of staring at it through a screen. Printing your paper will give you a new and exciting method to look at your work. This is a completely new experience for your eyes, and you’ll be more difficult to draw conclusions regarding things.
You can also change the font’s style and size of the text on your document. You’ll be amazed at how you could alter the reading experience by simply changing the font. The way you read sentences will be viewed differently, and perhaps you’ll discover unexpected things that do not seem to make sense!
Making a change to an aspect of the document can help you view the document from a different angle. This will prevent the reader from skimming through the words and sentences you might find interesting.
Edit or Proofread Your Academic Paper in Sections
If you feel exhausted and upset, or otherwise relaxed and confident, take the paper down and step off for a bit. Take your time, and complete the editing of your academic papers in a calm and confident manner, section after section. This is much superior to rushing through, and ignoring obvious flaws.
Try pretending each part belongs to it, and there is no other information. When you look at your document as this, it’s an entirely different experience. You’ll be able to better absorb the text by taking the pieces piece-by-piece rather than trying to cram the entire document into one reading.
In addition, it lets the user to read at a slower pace. If you’re able to slow down when reading, you’ll be able to catch additional errors.
Read Your Academic Paper Multiple Times
A majority of editors will go through the text at least two times to find all mistakes and errors. It is the University of Arkansas Little Rock suggests making multiple runs through your document (one check on spelling, one pass to check punctuation, and others) in the event that you want to perform yourself academic editing.
It’s amazing how simple it is to find mistakes when you’ve read the same thing repeatedly. Reading material multiple times allows editors and proofreaders to spot those common mistakes. This isn’t a superpower, it’s simply repetition!
Try Creating a Reverse Outline for Your Academic Paper
A reverse outline will help you understand the ideas in a clear way. Begin at the top of your essay then work your way backwards, noting every single point in every paragraph. Sort your notes in order of importance. Rearrange your paragraphs to ensure that the key points get the most attention.
Do not be shocked if you are forced to revise your thesis or perhaps your entire piece when you’ve done this.
How Do I Ask Someone to Help Me Edit or Proofread My Academic Paper?
If you require help with to edit or proofread an academic essay, it’s helpful to have someone that is knowledgeable about your area of expertise. In the same way, it is important to take into consideration that colleagues are often busy as well. It’s crucial to remain respectful when they do not say yes or set a time limit and refrain from criticizing your work when they do say”yes.
If you’re not able to employ an editor for your academic work or proofreading service and you don’t have the money, enlisting a trusted friend to aid with your paper is an excellent alternative. Nothing is better than having an extra pair of eyes to look at something that you’ve seen a thousand times.
But, there are a couple of things to think about before you ask a friend or teacher.
Find Someone Who Understands Your Field of Study
If you’re planning to meet an academic editor among your teachers, classmates or other academics be sure to look for people with whom you share, or who at the very least know your subject area. Contact your academic advisor, or consult your department for student services for information on what educational editing and proofreading tools are offered to students.
The majority of institutions have group, guides, and programs along with other instruments to help those who are who require academic paper correction or proofreading help. There is no need to join specific schools in order to get the guidance they provide!
Keep In Mind That Others Are Busy Too
Keep in mind, however when you’ve worked on your essay. Your colleagues and supervisors were also working.
Professors are required to teach classes, conduct workshops, participate in meetings and oversee student work, all while juggling their research obligations.
Although asking for a new viewpoint and an easy edit could sound like an easy suggestion, asking in incorrectly can cause hurt emotions and cause tension in relationships.
Be Polite and Respectful If They Say No
If you need assistance, be friendly and professional and be gracious when the answer is “no.” Below are some examples:
- Make sure you are polite Make sure to use “please” in your query. Although it sounds easy, it’s not always easy to remember! It’s true that “please” goes a long way. It could be something like, “Would you please take a few minutes to review what I’ve written and let me know if I’m heading in the right direction?”
- Be courteous To show a gesture to show respect, use phrases like “I realize you’re busy, but would you mind doing me a favor?”
- Do not be rude If you’re told “no,” you can nevertheless show some respect by saying “Thanks for your time, but thanks. Do you have any other person who may be in a position to assist?”
Set a Deadline
If you’re given a “yes,” express your thanks and decide on the time to return your completed document. Do not say “do it when you can,” even there is ample time until you must turn the paper into.
Don’t put yourself in the position in which you’re attempting to get someone else to look over your essay since it’s getting close to the time!
Avoid Criticizing
After you have received your work returned, make sure you don’t to critique the person you’re working with in the event that you do not think they’ve accomplished a wonderful task.
Instead, try to be happy for the opportunity to assist you and tried what they could to be helpful.
How Much Do Academic Paper Editing and Academic Proofreading Services Cost?
Editing academic papers and proofreading services cost based on the time it takes to turnaround and the kind of document you’re working on, and the kind of editing you’re looking for. Editing for academics and proofreading for professional purposes aren’t the same thing as different academic papers, and editing services and academic proofreading have different pricing.
In determining the price of editing or academic proofreading Consider the following aspects:
Timing is an important factor to take into consideration. It’s not just about the cost to have the paper revised however, it has a significant impact on making sure that you complete your work within the timeframe you set.
It’s best practice to give your manuscript to an editor or proofreader prior to the deadline to ensure that there’s no extra cost for an urgent job.
Give yourself ample time to edit and edit the document once the document has been returned Set a date for an editor to review your work within 48 hours of when you submit it.
Type of Academic Paper Editing or Academic Proofreading Service
Because academic editing and academic proofreading don’t have the same features, prices between them is likely to differ. Editing academic papers requires thorough analysis of the piece while academic proofreading tends to be more straightforward and focuses on checking grammar, spelling and punctuation. Because of this, certain professional editing services for academic writing are more expensive to edit compared to proofread.
When pricing academic editing and academic proofreading, be sure to be sure to look for the tiered or A-la-carte services. Expect to shell out more for the premium tiers and additional benefits when you require a comprehensive edit and constructive feedback. Therefore, the total cost of editing your academic papers and academic proofreading is contingent on the kind of academic or academic proofreading you’re looking for.
Academic Editing Speed
For a better idea of the length of time required for your academic piece to be checked or proofread, keep your mind on the industry standard for academic editing: 1000 word per hour. That means that a research paper will take about 30 hours for editing completely.
Divide that into three workdays that last ten hours (because editors, just like everybody other people, require food and also sleep) which is three work days.
After you’ve worked your word count and compared it against the standard 1000 words-per-hour in the business world You should now know the speed at which you should expect people to deliver your document.
Splitting the Work
If you require your task quick, academic editing and academic proofreading companies can provide deadlines that are less than 24 hours. Another option for having the academic paper improved or corrected faster is having editors divide their tasks. The editors will break up your document in pieces and let multiple editors be working on the document all at the same time.
This will help speed up the process but it could also lead to inconsistent editorial guidance or inconsistent results to show up after you have combine the pieces. Be sure to be aware of this!
Academic Paper Editing and Academic Proofreading Service Reputation
It is important to stay clear of services for editing academic papers, or services for proofreading academic documents with a bad reputation.
Also, stay clear of companies who depend in large part (or totally) on computers to perform the job. The editing software used in academic settings is not sufficiently sophisticated to comprehend a text and grasp the meaning sufficient to identify logical flaws in poor citations, irrelevant claims, or insignificant variations.
Additionally, those who don’t address your concerns or promise to put changes if you’re not satisfied with their academic editing or proofreading services for academic papers are not qualified to manage your work.
Longevity and Proof of Quality
The best option for academic or proofreading services for academics is a company that’s been in existence for some time.
Use an academic paper editing service that possesses these qualities:
- Human editors who have experience and an education
- A performance record for quality
- Price consistency is based on your academic paper academic editing service or academic proofreading that you require
- The ability to provide constructive feedback, as well as complete academic editing
- Great support from the Customer Service
Whichever person you decide to use for your academic editor or proofreader, keep in mind that academic editing can be advantageous and writers generally consider this a crucial step in their writing career.
Your essay should be proofread and edited for confirmation that you’ve written a clear, thoughtful well-constructed argument, and contribute to the abundance of knowledge accessible to all.